Friday, October 27, 2006

Good Appointment!

Hey all,

Just a quick update to let you all know that our appointment went really well this morning. We have four healthy babies from everything we can see. We are so thankful to our God for his continued protection of our boys.

Please continue to pray for Jen and the babies.

1. Please pray for confidence in our God.

2. Please pray that contractions don't start anytime soon. (Dr. Sumners assumes they will start anytime.)

3. Please continue to pray for the health of our babies!

Thank you all for joining us in prayer, we appreciate you all.


Gretchen said...

I'm glad to hear everything is still good! Of course you are in our prayers and thoughts all the time! I wish I lived closer so that I could see you guys during this exciting time!

I will be praying that the perfect peace, which passes all understanding will be stayed in your hearts and minds. Jesus is Lord! Rest in Him!

Sandy said...

praying, and In awe of God for what he is doing for you.